Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

A Revista de Direito Internacional (RDI) foi criada como instrumento de vinculação de trabalhos acadêmicos relacionados a temáticas tratadas pelo Direito Internacional Público e Privado e possui avaliação Qualis A1. Na busca pelo desenvolvimento e construção de visões críticas a respeito do Direito Internacional, a RDI possui sua linha editorial dividida em dois eixos:

1. Proteção internacional da pessoa humana: abrange questões referentes ao direito internacional ambiental, direito humanitário, internacionalização do direito, além de pesquisas sobre a evolução do direito dos tratados como forma de expansão do direito internacional contemporâneo.

2. Direito Internacional Econômico: abrange questões referentes aos sistemas regionais de integração, direito internacional econômico e financeiro e solução de controvérsias comerciais e financeiras.

Números temáticos:

Os números da revista serão temáticos. Objetiva-se aumentar o interesse pelo periódico e seu impacto na área.

Pedimos desculpas aos autores, mas os artigos fora das áreas temáticas não serão aceitos ou deverão esperar os números sobre temas relacionados para serem publicados.


The Brazilian Journal of International Law (RDI) was created as a tool for select and publish academic papers related to issues addressed by public and private international law. The Journal has a good ranking according with the Brazilian system (Qualis A1).

In the quest for development and construction of critical views about international law, the Brazilian Journal of International Law has two main focus:

1. International protection of the human person: covers issues related to international environmental law, humanitarian law, internationalization of law, in addition to research on the evolution of the law of treaties as a way of expanding the contemporary international law.

2. System of legal integration: regional integration (European Union, Mercorsur, NAFTA, ASEAN), sectoral integration (WTO, ICSID), and others.

Thematic issues:

We intend to publish thematic issues. It aims to increase interest in the journal and its impact on the area.

We apologize to the authors, but articles on other subjects will not be accepted or should expect the numbers on topics related to being appreciated.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Resumos de decisões relevantes em direito internacional.

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Outros artigos

Artigos que não são da temática específica do número da revista.

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Dossiê temático: direito internacional econômico

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Edição completa

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Outros artigos

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Direito Internacional e Biodiversidade

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Dossiê especial: Direito Alimentar e Combate à Fome

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Dossiê especial : arbitragem e direito internacional

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Direito Transnacional

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Direito Transnacional

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Dossiê temático: Direito Transnacional

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Dossiê temático: Direito Transnacional

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Dossiê Temático: Direito Internacional dos Investimentos / International Investment Law

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Artigos sobre outros temas

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Exclusions and its Critics: Southern Narratives of International Law

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Global Environmental Law

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História do Direito Internacional / History of International Law

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Direito Comparado

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Direito Comparado

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Dossiê especial : direito ambiental

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Dossiê especial: Populismo e Direito Internacional: perspectivas do Sul Global

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Dossiê temático: Direito da Arte e Direito do Patrimônio Cultural

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Dossiê temático: O Direito Comparado e seus protagonistas: qual uso, para qual fim, com quais métodos?

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Direito comparado e metodologia

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Direito comparado no Brasil

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Direitos comparados

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Challenging the International Law of Immunities: New Trends on Established Principles?

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Artigos Traduzidos / Translated Articles

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International law and climate litigation

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International law and Deglobalization

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International Economic Law and the COVID-19 Sanitary Crisis

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Dossiê Especial: Art Law and Cultural Heritage Law

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Panorama Geral sobre o Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural

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Aspectos Metodológicos Do Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural

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Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural: Do Regional ao Local

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Direito Humanitário e Arte

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Direito do Mar/Marítimo e Arte

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Outros temas sobre o Direito da Arte e do Patrimônio Cultural

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Extraterritorial mechanisms, international cooperation, and protection of victims of human rights violations

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História do Direito Internacional no Brasil

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Digital transformation of MERCOSUR: Influence and cooperation with the European Union

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Oil spill Prevention and Response: national, international, and comparative perspectives

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International Criminal Court: 25 years

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International Food Law

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

O processo de avaliação dos artigos e resenhas compreende duas fases: a primeira destinada à análise da adequação do trabalho à linha editorial da revista (Comissão Editorial) e a segunda referente à avaliação do conteúdo e qualidade dos trabalhos. Esta segunda fase é realizada mediante o processo de avaliação pelos pares, ou seja, os artigos serão submetidos à aprovação de no mínimo 2 pareceristas ad hoc.

Os artigos serão enviados para a avaliação sem a identificação de autoria.

Ao menos 75% dos avaliadores são externos ao Distrito Federal. O prazo para resposta é de até 15 dias, sob pena de não pagamento do avaliador. Em geral, os avaliadores cumprem seus prazos, o que garante respostas rápidas aos autores. No entanto, às vezes, um artigo precisa ser enviado a vários avaliadores, como quando não há respostas ou há divergências.

Peer Review Policy

The process of evaluating articles and reviews comprises two phases. First aimed at analyzing the suitability of the work to the editorial line (Editorial Board). The second on evaluation of the content and quality of work. This second phase is performed by the peer review process, that is, articles will be submitted for approval at least two independent reviewers, following a Double blind review. In other words, papers will be sent for evaluation without the author identifying himself or herself and authors would not be able to identify reviewers.

At least, 75% of evaluators are based on otther states. Reviewers have 15 days to answer, in order to be paid. Normally, authors will have an answer in a few days, but sometimes, it is needed to send the paper to various reviewers, and the final answer will take longer.


Publication Frequency

A Revista de Direito Internacional é uma publicação organizada pelo Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Direito do Uniceub. Seu objetivo é a divulgação de pesquisas que procurem pensar o direito internacional a partir de sua inserção no mundo contemporâneo. A revista publica artigos e resenhas inéditos e pretende contribuir para a partilha de experiências e de idéias tornando-se, assim, uma publicação especializada sobre temas que focalizam o estudo do Direito Internacional Público e Privado.

Periodicidade: Quadrimestral (A partir de 2016)
Circulação: acesso aberto e gratuito


Open Access Policy

Esta revista oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento.



Esta revista utiliza o sistema LOCKSS para criar um sistema de arquivo distribuído entre as bibliotecas participantes e permite às mesmas criar arquivos permanentes da revista para a preservação e restauração. Saiba mais...


Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

To ensure honesty and academic integrity, the Brazilian Journal of International Law follows the Code of Conduct and Guidelines of best practices for Editors prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE 2011). The commitment to ensure good ethical and deontological practices must be assumed by all the editorial staff, authors and reviewers.

Therefore, according to the recommendations established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, each of the parties involved in the evaluation process and publication of the proposed articles should, at least, commit to the following:

Editors duties:

• Be responsible for the content of the journal as a whole;
• Strive to meet the interests of readers, authors and members of the Editorial Board, as well as keep them informed about the objectives and editorial policy of the journal;
• Evaluate the proposed articles solely on their academic merits, disconsider the nature of the authors, their institution and their race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy.
• Do not use unpublished information for their own research without the express consent of the author;
• Ensure the existence of a fair scientific process of evaluation, impartial and timely, as well as transparency in Editing and publication of the manuscripts;
• Identify and report cases of possible plagiarism or duplicate publication
• Ensure the confidentiality of the manuscripts;
•Constantly improve the journal;

Authors duties:

• Submit articles with an objective discussion, resulting from an important research work. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Any form of plagiarism, fraudulent statements or knowingly inaccurate data are unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
• Do not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal;
• Ensure that the submitted work is original and has not been published elsewhere, in any language, and that the authors have used the work and / or words of others, citing appropriately.
• Follow the laws and conventions of copyright. Material protected by copyright (eg, tables, figures or extensive quotes) should be reproduced only with proper acknowledgment and permission.
• In case of joint authorship, it should be guaranteed the consensus in approving the final version of the manuscript for evaluation or publication;
• When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his own published work, it is his obligation to immediately notify the Editorial staff of the journal and work with them to retract or correct the article.

Duties of Reviewers:

• Assist the editor in making editorial decisions;
• Ensure confidentiality during the peer review process;
• Demonstrate the existence of conflict of interest or impossibility in evaluation;
• Call the editor's attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any published article which the reviewer has personal knowledge.
• Prepare reviews without personal criticism to the author. Reviewers must clearly express their perspectives with arguments.
• Do not use for their own benefit the ideas obtained through the evaluation process;
• The recommendation to accept or reject an article should be based on its importance, originality and clarity, as well as the validity of the study and its integration within the scope of the journal;
• The review should be objective and recommendations should be based on solid arguments for the authors to improve the text.
• Recommend relevant publications when they are not mentioned;
• When the manuscript does not fit in the reviewer’ research area or when it is known that the deadline will not be met, he/she shall inform the editors;
• Respect deadlines.

For more information see the document bellow:

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Retrieved from:


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Logomarca da Lepidus Tecnologia