O Papel da Justiça Transicional na construção da democracia na África do Sul - 10.5102/uri.v4i1.274

Jaqueline Richard


The aim of this article is to emphasize the transitional justice ands the institutionalization of justice, as well as human rights respect to the citizenship in South Africa, after the apartheid. South Africa presented a large regime of segregation, placing the black population into exclusion. Nowadays the blacks are trying to get back their legal rights and have been trained to be inserted into formal jobs.


Justiça Transicional; Segregação Racial; Violações dos Direitos Humanos;

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/uri.v4i1.274


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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail: universitas.rel@uniceub.br

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