Promoção das Exportações no Brasil: limites de atuação - 10.5102/uri.v4i1.278

Jacy Bicalho Félix Braga


Nowadays, foreign trade deserves more attention from academic workers due to its importance in the international economy. In trying to optimize the benefits of the foreign trade, the State often interferes to stimulate the national industry. One of the actions of State interference is the export promotion, which focus on activities of commercial promotion. In recent years, its importance grew quickly and expressively.
However, those interferences bring the concern of other States and international organizations once they distort the international free trade. Nevertheless, export promotion still may be questioned, mainly by the Subsidies Agreement, which defines at the World Trade Organization the limits of the States interferences for supporting its national industry.


Subsídios; Promoção das Exportações; Comércio Exterior;



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