Agravamento das Ações Terroristas: as Implicações Políticas, Econômicas e Sociais - 10.5102/uri.v4i2.22

Leila Bijos


New strategies for social development imply on the regulation of policies, in which human security is a key element, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The impact of the terrorist attacks clearly shows the necessity of new procedures for the world security, once there are no barriers to the transit of persons and products.
The international coalitions should be implemented to generate pro-active actions and agreements among the National States to avoid the aggression between one State to the other, and the creation of terrorist groups, “mafias”, which promote criminality, drug and weapon traffic, prostitution, money laundry and extortion.
These underground imperialist powers need to be eliminated through international jurisdiction norms and the establishment of democratic regimes targeted to the stabilization of a new political and economic world order.


Criminalidade; Terrorismo Internacional; Segurança Humana



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