The agricultural agenda in the multilateral trading system in historical perspective

Ivan Tiago Machado OLiveira


This work brings a historical analysis of the agriculture negotiations in the multilateral trading system from a Brazilian perspective, focusing on its importance to the economic developmente of developing countries. From an evolutionary perspective, the international context in which the multilateral trading system was created is presented in order to understand the power interaction that has led to the marginalization of agricultural themes in the GATT. Furthermore, the logics of conflict and negotiation about agricultural trade between developing countries are analyzed. At last, an analysis of the Doha Round of trade talks and its challenges and opportunities to the developing countries is presented, taking into account the importance of agricultural trade negotiations to the whole process.


Comércio Internacional; Agricultura; Desenvolvimento; OMC; Brasil.



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ISSN 1807-2135 (impresso) - ISSN 1982-0720 (on-line) - e-mail:

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